Prayer Closet Podcast
Have you ever looked at the life of another Christian and wondered, how is their walk with God so easy? They always seem to have the right answer and the testimony of overcoming. At the same time, you are struggling to have a simple conversation with God daily. In this podcast, I will open up the doors to the dark moments of my Christian walk and the transformative conversations I've had with God that helped me overcome. I must warn you, it can get really dark and scary in this closet. Your light switch of engaging in a real conversation with God is just one click away.
Prayer Closet Podcast
Why do we need to listen to those in Spiritual Authority?- Part 2
Season 2
Episode 19
Eve's deception revealed the primary strategy of the enemy. Satan challenges the God-appointed spiritual authority that was meant to keep us in the will of God. When we question or fail to recognize the spiritual leader God has placed in our lives, we place ourselves in great danger of forfeiting our destiny.
Scripture references in the MEV:
- Genesis 3: 1-5
- Genesis 2:15-23
- Exodus 32
- Luke 1: 1-25
- Luke 1: 26-38
#prayercloset #prayer #spritualauthority #podcast
List of Kingdom Resources:
Love and Faith World Outreach Ministry ( Guyana) - Apostel Claude Brooks https://www.facebook.com/loveandfaithguy
Life Church - Pastor Craig Groeschel - https://live.life.church
Prayer Request